How to Access Services
If you’d like to access the workshops, training and support services we offer please reference the specific contact information provided.
Call our dedicated number to access our programs and services or send us an email.
English as a Second Language
Let’s Talk ESL! Practice your English and make new friends. If you are interested in learning English and can’t attend other English classes, this program is for you!
For more information contact: Martha at 416-604-6441
Legal Clinic
The clinic offers 30- minute free summary advice, information, and referrals on family law, immigration, and employment matters. All appointments are over the phone and interpretation is available.
For more information contact: Martha at 416-604-6441
West Toronto Housing Help
Meet with a housing worker who can assist with housing issues, evictions, finding emergency shelter, and accessing subsidized housing via telephone and email only. We do not schedule in-person meetings for this service.
Instead, please contact us via telephone or email at 416-531-0841
Our Programs
We offer a variety of health promotion and community programs for all ages.